Dear friends,
Grace and Peace to you in the name of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We’ve made it to September! Each new month feels like an accomplishment during the pandemic, doesn’t it? With September’s arrival, many of us have turned our eyes to the season of Fall. A season many of us enjoy for various reasons. One of those reasons is cooler weather.
Cooler weather could have an effect on our worship routine, so let’s talk about that. In our last council meeting, the council decided that we would gather in person for worship on the first AND third Sundays of September AND October. Ideally we would be outside in our pavilion each time. But, the council also decided that if we experience adverse weather conditions on one of those Sundays, we would move the service inside to the sanctuary. The pews in the sanctuary have already been arranged in a manner that has them spaced at least six feet apart.
Now, all of that being said, let’s clarify that if you do not feel comfortable joining the worship service in person, outside or inside, please do not come. In person worship will still be streaming live on Facebook, and it will get uploaded to Youtube. The council believes that offering the in person worship services safely will accommodate everyone’s needs. Those who feel safe worshipping in person are able to do so. Those who like to be a part of the livestream are able to do so. And, those who like to catch the recording later are able to do so.
If you decide to attend worship in person, I’m sure you put a lot of thought into it and you made the right decision for yourself.
If you decide to watch the worship service live, I’m sure you put a lot of thought into it and you made the right decision for yourself.
If you decide to watch the worship service at a later time, I’m sure you put a lot of thought into it and you made the right decision for yourself.
If you don’t feel comfortable worshipping in person, there are no hard feelings. We all understand how difficult and complicating life is right now.
(And, I’ll mention that when we aren’t having in-person worship, we’ll still be on Zoom) If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me! Stay safe and be well, my friends.
Much Love, Pastor Robert