Annual PSS Dessert Auction
The annual Dessert Auction supporting Project Stepping Stone will take place on Sunday,
September 24th following a joint worship service between Lutheran Church of the Cross and
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and a celebratory lunch. Everything is at Lutheran Church of
the Cross this year; service begins at 10am.
Service will be celebrated outside in LCC's Pavilion so plan on bringing lawn chairs, and
dress appropriately for the weather. Lunch and the auction will both occur inside.
We can't wait to see (and possibly taste) what everyone is baking this year, and appreciate
your donations of baked goods to the auction. Each partner church (LCC, HTLC, and First
Presbyterian) is asked to provide 20 desserts. Sign-up sheets will be posted soon (note the
Dessert Guidelines below).
All the funds raised will go directly to Project Stepping Stone, a local non-profit that provides
housing to families in need.
Powerful worship, good food, and some laughter, all dedicated to a good cause. Be sure to
join us!
Dessert Guidelines: Desserts have to be made from scratch and should not need to be
refrigerated. A simple description of the dessert (please note specifically if it contains nuts!)
must be placed on a container you do not want back. Examples of desserts are a dozen
brownies, bars or cupcakes, two dozen cookies, a cake or a pie. Please do not package
desserts individually.
For more information check out - For questions email